Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Welcome to my blog.

So I finally managed to wrest control of this complaint column from my over-controlling wife. Good for me. Now I'll tell the real story.

It's all Jenn's fault. Yep -- everything. Well, just the bad stuff. The good stuff is due to me. So, for instance, things that are due to me:
  1. Bronson is handsome.
  2. My tummy is full.
  3. The collapse of the USSR.

To contrast, things that are Jenn's fault:

  1. Bronson poos a lot.
  2. Sometimes I forget to eat lunch.
  3. China.

I think I've made myself clear.

Here's a picture of the kid:


Jenn Stevenson said...

I don't care what the dictionnary says - I maintain that 'wrest' is a stupid word, if a word at all.

AND I'm the reason that Bronson's totally cute. ALSO, I'm not controlling, I just make things happen while others dream of them, or talk of them happening :/

Jenn Stevenson said...

FURTHERMORE I made dinner!

And, on a side note, I take way better pictures of Bronson than that. :)