Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sleeping like a baby

Our little boy wonder is at it again. He slept most of yesterday. He slept some of last night. And today he's sleepy, sleepy, sleepy. I believe he's doing another growth spurt. I thought I should post this picture now that he fits his soccer outfit, before he outgrows it!

Today in Pasadena it's cold. I'm wearing long sleeves and very excited about this. After being so hot for the last month, I'm glad that the temperature has dropped for awhile. I'm not talking snow in Manitoba dropped, but more jeans weather than shorts weather is welcome by me.

Not too much planned for today - a walk and then some top secret shopping and then maybe some napping later on. I prefer taking advantage of his sleepy days and just resting up with him, but first some matters to attend to.

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

I agree. I'm sad I can't come to visit like I planned. He's going to be so big the next time I see him! And yes, Jenn, you do take great pictures of Bronson.

p.s. Thanks for the help convincing Amanda!

Love Sabrina