Friday, November 03, 2006

Bronson takes time out to goof around with mom

Bronson is really getting into playing with people now. He and mom play two games that never fail to make him smile. Of course dad has other games that he plays which involve rolling and flying.
Game 1 is mimicking mommy's faces, usually done with air kisses and yawns. Sometimes after playing for a bit, when I stop, he'll re-instigate it. This one is nice, too because we can play it while walking him in the stroller.

Game 2 is the hand walk. I walk my hand from his tummy to his face and poke either his nose or a cheek while making a baby sound "boo bo bo bo bo bo boop". It's like a tickle and he never knows where I'm going to poke, so I get big smiles out of this one. These are some pictures from playing game 2 this morning.

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Happy 2 month birthday Bronson!
Love Mike and Sabrina