Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy [American] Thanksgiving!

Well, our first american thanksgiving was pretty great - the weather cooled off to be fall-like and we had a traditional dinner at one of the CalTech profs houses: Tony Reedhead. It was great - quite a big to do. I spent the day sleeping and baking pumpkin pies (we brought 2 tonight... it seems everone decided to bring pies, though and there were ~ 12 pies for ~25 people) My pumpkin pie had more slices taken than any of the other pumpkin pies... however that may be because Matthew forced our friends to all take pieces of mine. Oh well, I still declare myself the winner (you can take the girl out of the competition, but you can't take the competition out of the girl - Matt looks forward to me going back into sports)

I felt like we should be calling our families to say happy holidays... it almost feels like Christmas, getting all dressed up to go out and party like adults. Dinner party like adults. We talked politics and global warming and about books... sometimes I need to remind myself that I am an adult, and I can speak a language other than baby talk, so parties like this are really great.

Anyhow - Happy holidays everyone, off to bed for me... looking forward to having Matthew home for yet another day off (that's right, they have a 4 day thanksgiving long weekend here - apparently tomorrow is the busiest shopping day of the year, all the Christmas sales start.)

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Boy do you three look cute all decked out in your holiday clothes. I would have eaten your pie too. And, I'm feeling much better today, and was last night too for the ballet. We sat in the second row-right in front of the conductor almost, so I kept watching him. I love the orchestra.
Happy Holidays