Tuesday, September 04, 2007

A Very Happy Birthday for Bronson!

Yesterday was Bronson's First Birthday! He woke up to streamers and balloons everywhere.

He enjoyed presents in the morning, and a party in the afternoon. ~ 12 people were at his party, however I didn't get any crowd pics - you'll see the one baby in attendance, Jesse, who is 3 weeks older than B.

The Presents

(He loves to sit with Ernie on his Spiderman couch and read books. He especially likes it when the couch is folded out to a bed)

The Pinata

The Cake

It was a nice day by all accounts. Someone had too much cake and punch, though and got rather grumpy in the evening due to a sore tummy. It wasn't Bronson.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you had a chance to post pictures today! You did a great job on the cake. It looks like Bronson had a lot of fun at his party.

Grandma Diane

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe Baby B is already one! I almost cried looking at the pictures - it's hard missing out on his milestones. The cake and pinata were fabulous!

Aunty Teri

Sabrina said...

Happy Belated birthday Bronson! Hope you got my present in time!

The cake looked awesome and I love the spiderman couch. I can't believe how grown up he looks in just two months!

Love you and miss you

Anonymous said...

happy birthday b!
from Barker family
(Grande Prairie Chapter)