Sunday, September 16, 2007

Life in California

Life has been pretty good for us down here - every evening I apply to new jobs instead of updating the blog, Bronson is now sleeping through the night, Matthew is preparing for his big Qual exam on the 24th and I've made myself a studio space to paint in every Saturday.

(the head scratch is from a tumble into a hedge while strolling with his walker)

We're starting to stick to somewhat of a daily schedule since it helps B to sleep in the evenings and eventually he'll need a daycare schedule: walk dad to work, play around at Caltech (tues and wed go to playgroup at the park), pick dad up and walk home for lunch, nap, after nap we do something fun like go swimming at the Caltech pool, or go to Huntington, or Kidspace to play (or do our grocery shopping), then we either meet dad at work to walk home @ 6 or we play at home until dad gets home, then dinner, bath, feed from mom, bedtime (@7:30!!!).

It's working out pretty well.

As for food Bronson is starting to really take to solids, we're down to 3/4 mom meals a day, and if I'm not around, that's easily replaced by a solids meal from dad. He really likes pizza, we discovered, so I make him little pita bread, sauce and cheese pizzas for lunch. We have that and apple slices and boogie to the Bronson soundtrack I've created off of iTunes which consists of some songs from Curious George, a few Ernie classics and some spongebob squarepants ditties. He seems more interested in eating when he's slightly distracted by music.

He now waves hello and goodbye, and sometimes when we walk on campus he'll spend the whole time waving at everybody and they of course wave back, and at first I kept asking Matt "who's that" and he kept saying "I have no idea"... He also likes to share, he likes to pick up toys and hand them off to someone. He further enjoys looking at the computer when I'm on it, since my background is a pic of him, he likes to see it, and any music that plays he wants to see what's going on... makes it hard to get anything done when he's awake.

Yesterday his friend Julian came over with his parents to play in the pool. We met them several months ago at a Caltech family picnic and Julian and Bronson seemed to get along right off the bat - turns out they still do :)

Sorry it's so dark - but this is a good one!


Anonymous said...

Hey, good movies!

Sabrina said...

Hey Jenn!
Thanks so much for the birthday present--I was so excited when it came in the mail today. The Alice in Wonderland photo is awesome, so cool and I can't wait to start reading the book--it's next on my list and I promise this time I will actually remember to give it back to you!
Love Sabrina