Friday, September 07, 2007

The Grandpa Tim outfit

The heat wave that sent us consistently into triple digit temps for the past 7 days or so ended yesterday. Thank goodness. We always felt horrible stealing the fan from Bronson's room for ourselves so that we could sleep :)

Here is Bronson in his Grandpa Tim outfit that he got for his birthday.

He even has his own parrot!

Here are a couple Bronson videos showing off his groovy moves. They're rather uneventful vids, but if you want to see what he's like in his quiet play-by-himself moments, here it is.


Sabrina said...

So cute. I always said he looks like your Dad. We are actually having a heat wave here too. It's supposed to be 22 on Sunday. :)

Anonymous said...

totally a dad outfit!


Anonymous said...

Love it - I'm sure Bronson's parrot is easier to take care of! Love the videos - Cat Stevens bopping - has he heard Neil yet?
MOM, Val

Anonymous said...

Great dance moves! Maybe he'll become a dancer like Aunty Teri! I'm recommending you start him in ballet asap!

Aunty Teri