Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Boxing Day - The Stevenson Curling Bonspiel

On Boxing Day Teri, Bronson, Matthew and I drove the 90 minutes to Morris for the annual Stevenson curling bonspiel. This was my first attempt at curling, and I wasn't as good at it as I thought I'd be. However, I am proud to note that of the 6 stones I threw, 2 of them remained in play :)

Matthew poses in Alan's curling sweater ... Matt used it to distract his dad and subsequently defeat their rink in round one. I tried to use the camera to distract Matthew when my rink played them in the finals. It didn't work, Matthew's rink won the Bronson Briar (named after Bronson's namesake and late Great Grandfather)

Loren, Matthew and Neil talk strategy. This was Loren's first win.

Meanwhile, upstairs Bronson meets more family and soaks up all the attention.

Later, after the curling is through and Matthew has defeated us in a tight game of Settlers of Catan, we feast.

Another photo op with the 4 generations of Stevenson's.

All in all, I had a great time and plan to practise some before my next Bronson Briar. The Stevenson gift exchange is fun, everyone brought a gift and we played "Musical gifts", like musical chairs. Matthew's 'Zombie Survival' book made it's way into the right hands of his cousin Jay, I hope that Neil enjoys the sketching set I put in. We scored with a beautiful wooden jewellery box from ten thousand villages and a tupperware set including an awesome juice/water jug. We stuffed it with clothes and brought it back with us to California. Teri got a Loon clock and every time she set it off for the next few days I jumped up thinking that Bronson was crying. Apparently he sounds like a loon :)

Thank you all for a great Christmas time!

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