Monday, October 16, 2006

Baba & Gedo

I've been feeling quite... let's say domestic, of late. Baking, cooking elaborate suppers, decorating, cleaning and looking to entertain guests. The nesting continues, it seems.

Looking through my cooking books, I started to notice that there were quite a few recipes written by my grandmother (Grandma Kay, who would be Bronson's Baba) I started to mark the recipes that were from her and subsequently have unlocked a gold mine of all my favorite foods that she used to make me. Her slush and pizza dough and oat fudge bars... needless to say I've been thinking of her and cooking up a storm. I'm so surprised that after getting rid of 3/4 of our stuff and moving to another country I've been able to find family memories (heirlooms?) I never even knew I had.

Here's grandpa Tony (Gedo) and Bronson

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