Before driving down to California to meet up with Matthew, I spent a week living in Port with my parents and Bronson. It wa definetly very odd sharing my old room with my baby... but all in all it was a good visit - my parents got me hooked on about 6 tv shows in 2 days and Matthew had to work to undo it all once I got down here. So, no the California Stevenson's do not have cable, instead Jennifer has a dvd buying allowance amounting to about 2 show seasons/month and has already caught up on all there is to know about her current favorite show Gre's Anatomy.
Small towns are interesting little things, at a baby clothes store I was asked who the father of my baby was !!! and a trip to Wal Mart with my mom involves alloting ~ 30 extra minutes to show off her grandson to everyone she sees (I'm not complaining, I like to show him off too, I was blessed with a darn cute kid)
On this note - apologies Spence I think we got you in trouble with your grandma for not telling her you'd already seen the baby!
The best part about grandparents, aside from the wardrobe and etc's they provide the baby with is that their answer to the question "Will you hold the baby while I..." is always "YES!!!"
Grandma Diane

Grandma Val

Grandpa Tim

Grandpa Alan

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