Over the past 3 weeks Bronson's been doing his usual; eating, sleeping, dirtying his diaper... Lately he's started crying without cause, as is to be expected. In week 5 he really started tracking things with his eyes, namely myself or Matthew. He's started sleeping longer, 5 hour nights on his own in his bed. However his preferred sleeping place is in the arms of someone, anyone really, but if it's mom it's even better because then dinner is nearby.
He really likes his vibrating chair, although he prefers if we're rocking it with our foot, as well as it vibrating.
This week (week 6) he's been showing some hand eye coordination, he often grabs my necklace, and he's definetly getting better with the neck support. Although he's gotten longer, his belly has also gotten bigger! He no longer automatically grips your finger when you put it in his hand. He's started to mimick, as well. I've taught him to air kiss, and when he's having trouble latching for food, I show him how he needs his mouth to open wide, then he does it. We've also been dancing with our hands, and he's been mimicking my smiles.
He's also started smiling for comforts other than gas, gentle tickles will do it, or playing. My favorite is when he's sleeping, he often opens his eyes a slit and looks to see that I'm holding him, when he sees where he is, he then smiles at me and goes back to sleep.

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