We've bought a new car - unfortunately Betsy (the Green Plymouth Breeze) suffered some severe damage to her underside on the trip down ... expensive oil leak type damage. So we spent the weekend looking at cars and in the end we purchased a new [to us] car. Pics and more details to come, but let's just say that it has everything we wanted in a car; it runs well, will last for 5 years, and has A/C - so we're happy.
Matthew has to sleep with Bronson for a bit each morning while I pump, because if Bronson's around when I do that, then he gets really jealous of the electric baby stealing his food, and it's hard to keep his soother in, rock him, eat breakfast and pump milk all at the same time. So I foten put him in bed next to Matthew, and this is how they end up, curled together. When I finish I don't want to join them for fear of rocking the bed and waking one or both - so I do something for myself, like take a shower without having a screaming baby sitting outside the washroom, or cook eggs, or read a chapter of my current book .. or indulge in chocolate.
On the subject of chocolate, here's where the US has Canada beat. A regular staple in any grocery store are chocolate covered pretzels - they're called Flipz, and why Nestle hasn't sent them up to Canada is beyond me. They even carry them in Michaels - so that's sort of a one stop shopping place for me :) In Victoria the ONLY place that one can find chocolate covered pretzels is Bernard Callebaut, and they're seasonal, and so expensive that I've never actually bought them, although I've often gone there with the intent, I've always chickened out. Here they're a fifth of the price :)
Furthermore, they carry the biggest chocolate bar that I can

Well, Matthew's got to head to school soon so I should wake sleeping beauties - he's going on a fieldtrip to Palomar today to look at the telescope with his instrumentation class, they'll be back ~ midnight. Bronson and I are going to go to the library, then when I'm stocked up with books we're going to hang around and enjoy our newly cleaned apartment (that was my day yesterday).
In the spirit of Stu - Peace out.
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