...this is what little boys are made of :)

Bronson really grew overnight. Today he is much longer than he was yesterday (half as tall as his grandma!) and he is much more aware than before. There were no tears during bathtime today, all smiles and happy noises. If he knew how to laugh, he would've been giggling up a storm. He watched mommy in the mirror and found that really exciting, then he caught a glimpse of himself and was a little unsure of what to think, but he kept on smiling.
He even enjoyed being dried off, re-diapered and didn't seem to mind that it took 4 tries to find a onesie that fit.
This afternoon we headed out to the CalTech fields for the intramural soccer games. Our team - the Cataclysmic variables (oohhh astronomy folk) were very happy to see us as they only had 10 players... until we got there making it 11. Due to injury from playing last week when I shouldn't have, I had to sit out and watch the game, normally I would have been itching to play, but today was the hottest day we've had since arriving and I was sweating just watching, so I didn't really mind. One of the other players' daughters was there - Charlotte, and she loves Bronson, so she played with him and his toys for the game while I made sure she didn't get hit in the face with the ball.
Unfortunately, I wasn't looking out for Matthew, and he got nailed in the face by the ball - hard. I'm happy to say that my first thought was "Oh no, Matthew!" and my second thought was "We can't afford a new pair of glasses!", and not the other way around :)
Aside from a bloody nose and jersey, though, he's fine. He even finished the game off.
1 comment:
Wow! He looks so different after only a month, that I barely recognize him. Boy, babies sure grow fast! Tell Matthew I'm sorry he got a bloody nose, I hope you won the game after that! Well, speaking of soccer, I'm off to catch Mike's game.
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