The Big Roll Today, on his 4 month birthday Bronson finally decided to roll over. After hovering on his side for several minutes, he finally decided to take the plunge. Here are the "action shots". Nioce kid, he even waited for dad to come home for lunch before making this leap in development.
1. Ooooh, a toy, maybe I can get it?

2. Reach, reach...

3. And over I go!

4. After enjoying the victory for a minute or so, Bronson realized that he's now on his tummy, and can't roll back over, and gets quite upset. So, we roll him back onto his back, and he immediately rolls onto his tummy again. Now there's no stopping him, he won't lie on his back and he gets really upset when on his tummy. Mom will now spend her days rolling him back and forth :)
Way to go Bronson! Now you'll be on the lookout all the time Jenn - move the bed to a wall - although both you and I (in different decades) did roll off the bed. Val
Hi Such a sweet fellow. No rolling off the bed!! Tim showed us great pictures of Baby Bronson when we went up to Julie's on New Year's Day.
Love to you Aunt Suzy B (that is Great Aunt Suzy to you Bronson)
Congratulations Bronson! You are such a cutie! I really hope that we can get you and David together for a play date when we are in Palm Springs this March. Hugs from auntie Melissa
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