It's raining, it's pouring, the baby is snoring...

Well, it's pouring here, finally. Big drops that are falling hard, like hail, but there's no way they could be hail, it's not that cold. I can hear cars on the road screeching and having driving issues. Bronson and I were supposed to walk to the grocery store today, but I've ordered the groceries for delivery instead - it's a big load and delivery is free (promotion).
The baby boy is in the middle of a growth spurt - his tummy is huge and he's very, very grumpy. I am also grumpy as he keeps waking up several times a night and feeding at least twice a night. The past few nights have been hard. So, we're both just exhausted.
The skies are gray and cloudy, it's still muggy but not warm like Sunday was. It's pants and long sleeves today!
So, Bronson and I will stay in today, do some collage and play and nap. Later I'll venture out to yoga... mostly because they're filming the OC down the road at CalTech today and I want to walk by the trailers and check it out, at this point I think a nap might do me better than an hour and a half of yoga.

I use Vons/Safeway... but isn't that what Aaron is for?
I hope it's not rainning when we got to Palm Springs. I'm actually hoping that it will be warm enough for David to be able to swim in the outdoor pool. Still havn't booked flights but I think we are going sometime between middle-end of March. I'll be there for 7-10 days. I really hope it works out that we can get together.
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