Bronson's new chair
Bronson has gotten a new chair and now finds himself at adult level for supper time. He's also showing signs that he's ready to start eating, as these pictures clearly show. He's been grabbing at our food and taking a real interest in how we chew. sometimes he mimicks me chewing.

We saw the doctor this week. Bronson's head has grown, he's now in the 92nd percentile for that, and he's longer, too (26.5 inches). Most exciting is his weight, he's gained a pound and a half and now weighs 18 lbs 6 oz. When the doc put him on the scale, however, it caused a major power outage affecting not only the office, entire 4 story building and elevators, but the entire block of offices including the hospital and traffic lights. We had to leave via the staircase in the dark!

Okay, so that was a poor attempt at jesting, but there really was a major power outage during his appointment, people got stuck in the elevators and the security guard freaked and was desperately calling for back up when we passed him. As a result Bronson couldn't get his vaccines that day and we had to go back on Friday for them. I think we should always go back another time for them because without the buildup of a stressful exam, he really enjoyed these shots and even smiled when the nurse gave them.

Actually, power went out on the south side of campus as well. The AC went down (which is essential for the large computers to run), and the emergency water cooling blew out a pipe, which still hasn't been fixed. So a large number of people haven't been able to do research all week... and it's all Bronson's fault.
... this begs the questions: Which is a more essential service; the HOSPITAL or the research at CalTech?
Glad to hear that Bronson is getting bigger and bigger each day. I'm sure he'll be kicking all the other babies butts in no time. :) Mike had a doctor's appointment today too--last check in for the RCMP and he will likely be leaving in 2-3 weeks, just as soon as they give him the date.
Miss you tons,
Bronson is getting more cute all the time! I just wish I could give him a big hug. Not sure when in March we are going to be in Palm Springs but probably towards the end as there is a huge wait for passpots here and Jonathan and David need theirs. We won't book anything until we know when they will have them or until they arrive but I will let you know when I do. Love, Melissa
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