Sunday, February 25, 2007

Be sure to watch Leno on Monday!

Matthew and I will be in the audience of the Tonight Show on Monday (feb 26)! The guests are Courteney Cox and Richard Roeper and some band ...


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so jealous! That's awesome. I won't be up late enough to watch it, but I will tape it and look for you later! So cool!

Anonymous said...

oh, by the way, that was from Sabrina (my sign in isn't working)

Anonymous said...

So, did you make it onto TV?

(I would have watched, but I'm lacking in the television department).


Anonymous said...

Hey Jenn
Just wanted to tell you that I am really excited because I just got a very large tax return and can afford to come visit you! We should talk soon about when would be a good time. Also, here is Mike's address, he said you wanted it:
Mike L'Heureux
c/o troupe 46
RCMP training academy
PO Box 6500
Regina, SASK
S4P 3J7

Jenn Stevenson said...

Yay Sabrina - yes, come visit!