Sunday, June 08, 2008

Sweet home California

Well, our week has been busy. Just as I start to recover my hearing, Bronson's eyes start leaking goo. Yes, he has pink eye. Oh, and a bacterial ear infection. Poor kiddo. He's pretty happy in any case, however we did have to quarantine him from children for the past few days and boy did he miss the neighboring kids. He was so glad to finally be able to play with them again. The doc is worried about the ear infection with respect to our upcoming flights, but another visit on Wednesday should give us a better idea of the extent of his recovery, so fingers crossed that he'll be a happy traveller. Just so you know, these pics were taken a few days ago - he's looking alot better now.

We've spent the quarantine time watching Curious George, playing legos and with a new special 'pretend' Diego camp set. We don't let B watch much t.v., but he did enjoy watching Bend it Like Beckham with me yesterday...he enjoyed the soccer scenes and was intrigued by the mother. Here are a couple lego structures he made, aren't they really unique and creative...aren't you so impressed?!??!

I am preparing for the upcoming Pasadena Chalk festival. I did not initially realise the largess of my designated work area and was overwhelmed to realize how big 8 feet by 8 feet is. So I have been diligently practising my technique this weekend and making a list of the supplies I will require for my 2 days of artistry.

Matthew graduates on Friday with his Master's degree. He has his cap and gown, he's rsvp'ed for the various social functions (hors d'oeuvres at the Presidents Garden, check.), all that's left now is to decide whether to bing Bronson across the stage with him, or go alone.

Well, I have 4 days left of work (Friday off to go to Matt's convocation) and alot to do. I got my first California sunburn today (sorry mom), since moving here 21 months ago, but it's not too bad. Just very, very suprising. I didn't get much sleep last night between changing my theme for my festival painting at 2am and waking with Bronson at 7:45am, so it's off to bed now.

Bronson loves milk. He also loves milk mustaches. His absolute favoriate food (at the moment) is yogurt. We actually have to limit how much he gets - only once a day after dinner, because if he could, it's all he would eat.

Bronson Simpson

Matthew Simpson

Jenn Simpson

OK - to bed! Really, this time.


Anonymous said...

Love the new pictures,
can't wait to see you!

Bronson must be sick due to lack of bagels with aunty aimee.

Anonymous said...

Poor, poor baby boy with the big eyes! He looks so cute in picture books though. Hope everyone heals well and congratulations to Matthew! Yea!!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Jay's favourite food is yogurt too! He just got hooked this spring and eats it all the time!

I can't wait to see you all in a couple weeks!

Sabrina said...

Congrats Matthew!! I love the simpson's versions of funny. Hoping I will see you in July and if not, then at Disneyland!