A sweltering 2 1/2 hour convocation in pictures.
The procession
Ola Laura!
The glee club performed 2 songs, Matthew was up there with them
The two key points to keeping Bronson occupied: Peanut butter and...
Peanut butter...
Congratulations Varun!
Congratulations Walter!
Congratulations Laura!
Bronson spotted Laura before I did and started pointing and shouting.
Congratulations daddy, we are so proud of you. It was alot of work raising a newborn and getting your Masters, but you did great.
FYI: Matthew came to Caltech to get his PhD and will be finishing that degree in another 3~ish years. Many astro students don't get their Masters degrees, but Matthew's class decided they wanted to. Missing from my shots are Yacine and Eli who also walked with their Master's today.
Congratulations Matthew... and great family picture of the 3 of you. Jealous of the sunshine as always. We are lucky if we get a spring day here. Melissa
Congratulations Matthew! Well done - Bronson looks good in the hat too - another 23 years or so?
Love Val & Tim - now enjoy a Holiday!
Congrats to Math and baby smiles too.
Now you can enjoy your holiday. Maybe that nonshiny will become a collectors item, not too many around? Jealous of the sunshine too.
Congrats! We're very proud of you!
Eh, Congrates kid, now you are as smart as me! Now go get a job driving a truck!
Love, Dad + Lorraine
Congratulations Matt (and Happy Father's Day)!
The pictures are great - I love the peek-a-boo pics and I laughed out loud when I read the caption under the different types of paper!
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