First in news -
Alan & Lorraine have gone and we are once again the three amigos.
My father had a heart attack last week, he's fine and was released today to go home.
Our second bike was stolen last week while I was at work! Now we have none :(
Bronson's new word is "Fish".
This Thursday & Friday we are gone up to the Owens Valley telescopes where Matthew will work and Bronson and I will play in the clean air.
Matthew leaves on Saturday April 12th for a 1and a half day meeting in Germany, then on to Oxford for a day, then back home on Thursday: Bronson and I will be here sulking.
Matthew and Bronson saw Joey Fatone from *N SYNC at the LA Zoo last Friday.
I am spoiled by the beautiful weather here, the past three days have been cloudy and I've been saying "Really, we shouldn't do anything in weather like this but curl up and read books!" Unfortunately, my boss has a difference of opinion. Despite the non-sunshine, we had a lovely family sunday, here is a video to illustrate:
***Note: no children or animals were harmed in the production of this video - thought one mom was reputed to have been bitten by a turtle and grossed out picking up a frog or two. (They were big!)
I definitely agree with the buying a summer home in Victoria. I'm glad that someone agrees with me about all the wonderful things to do their in the summertime that I miss! But yes, you shouldn't complain about the weather. It's still -10 here and it's april tomorrow. However, the sky was blue and sunny and I have a garage, so i don't have to scrape the windows. The bright side. Miss you lots.
So we have everything from hot wx to snow all in one day
we as usual have everything; snow to heat. cherry blossoms etc,. I had an west facing, 12 foot by seven foot ; bank of windows wih white clouds racing north in the night sky. A huge single room, till they sent me to the basement with the poor folk
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