The Emperor's new clothesLast february was a big month for weddings - not only did we miss my good friend Christina's wedding in Port, but we also missed our friend Mansi's wedding in India.

Our friends Walter, Laura and Varun went to Mansi's wedding however. Varun then visited his parents for awhile and Walter and Laura did some sightseeing on their first trip through India. They were kind enough to bring back a traditional little outfit for Bronson and one for I as well, Varun brought back a traditional shirt for Matthew and a really neat tiger coat for Bronson which I'm sure you'll see next winter.

After many apologies, they also presented Bronson with a new pair of shoes - apparently all the kids in India have them and they thought Bronson might enjoy them. Watch the video to see how much he likes his new shoes.
My dear,
That is just too adorable for words. Bronson, the little indian man. So cute. I love the family pic. Now you'll be all set when Ravinder gets married one day :) And, I sheepishly must admit, that I recently watched the Jane Austen book club, and have now decided that I must read all of her books. I just had to wait until I'd forgotten about my awful Victorian lit. class at Uvic. But, I still haven't watched the movie of P&P. I've been saving it to watch with you! :) Wish I could fly over and see you today! But, we'll have to wait for summer .
Yes, you do look very cute. Now Matt's going to think the 3 of you should travel to India to visit some telescope there.
Love Grandma Portage
The outfits are beautiful! I have a similar top that I used to wear to church in Winnipeg, but Jay thinks it might be a bit much for the thriving metropolis of Vermilion, AB (aka Pickup Truck Central).
We saw a kid with the same shoes as Bronson at a restaurant in town - and the kid sure loved to run free! I think Bronson might 'lose' his shoes when Uncle Jay and I visit (although I'm sure they'll magically reappear when we leave).
Only 3 more sleeps!!!
I looooove the shoes! Those are adorable. I would imagine mom and dad will have to "hide" the shoes from time to time! hehe
Bronson looks like a sultan in that outfit. Lol, I always knew we had royalty in our blood.
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