Grandma and Grandpa have come down on the west coast train for a couple weeks to visit the growing boy (and Jenn and Matt). So far they have gone to a taping of Bill Maher, we've taught them Carcassonne, we've visited Huntington and we've shopped... oh we've shopped :)
As the pictures below clearly show, Bronson is very happy. He quite enoys all the attention - when he wakes up to feed in the middle of the night, his head swivels looking for company in the living room... he's disappointed to only find a sleepy mom. I think we're going to have a tough time when they leave next Thursday.
In Bronson news, he now has 2 teeth and he's enjoying carrots! He's talking alot, very vocal and is definetly noticing more and more around him. He is now amazed to see Curious George on our throw pillow. He also loves my Spongebob pj pants, keeps trying to grab the little character off of them.

Great that your parents came for a visit. Really nice pictures! Can't wait to see all of you on the 12th. It will be so neat to have the boys play together. I'm glad we can share motherhood.
Miss you, Melissa
Hey Dad! What's with the heavy metal county band t-shirt, like geez that band is so old it broke up before I was born! When are you going to take me to my first rock & roll concert with a decent band?
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