Sunday, February 04, 2007

First Solid food

Yesterday was Bronson's 5 month birthday, and although we were trying in general to push first solids out to 6 months, Bronson has been wanting them for some weeks now. So, on his birthday Bronson got his first exciting taste of big boy food... mmm rice meal. He ate more than 7 spoonfuls and was fairly neat about it, however a little confused about the whole thing.

In adult news, this has been quite a games weekend for us... on Friday night David and Sarah brought supper over and we played a neat game called Illuminati. Saturday afternoon Ben and Katherine came over from next door and we played a close game of Settlers using the seafarers expansion and the layout where territory is randomly discovered as you come upon it. [Thank you uncle Gary!] It was good fun.

This afternoon we have a soccer game, then I plan to do some painting. Matthew has gotten a job as a TA for a grad level Physics course (which he's actually taking himself). It's quite an honour to be asked to TA a course you're taking, although it takes ~ 8 hours a week of marking assignments, it brings in a nice chunk of money which helps. And yes, he does have to mark his own assignment - but I challenge you to show me a more honest man than Matthew. Since it's just a Pass/Fail course, it's not really a big deal anyways.

1 comment:

Jenn Stevenson said...

Yes, I know, I know, spooNfuls. I crashed the Blogger server trying to edit that in. :)