Bronson and Mom

All about life as kids, parents, grad student and artist.
Snack and a show
I like going on outings with my mom because I like to meet new people who tell me that I'm cute in lots of different languages. (I understand them all, you know)
What are you doing over there, mom? I'm over here, take pictures of me!
Well, that was fun... we should go...
It's getting cold, we should go...
Seriously mom, the park is closing and I have a 5 o'clock with the Zebra, LET's GO!
Mhmmm, Mr. Monkey, I had so much fun... I'll tell you all about it later, yawn!
Saturday afternoon, after 2 hours at home resting up and watching episodes of Scrubs, we went to a "Make your own omellet" party at [first year astro grad student] Meg's. It was lots of fun, and the omellets were great. I realized while there that there were 5+ languages being spoken in the room of ~ 15 people. That's pretty cool. On that note, I have begun reading Bronson 'Le Petit Prince' for the first (of many) times in his life. Throughout french immersion grade school I think they made us read it 5 times or so, it admittedly got better with every reading. Though it's a simple book I remember that no one really understood it the first 3 times or so. The crazy hippie play that those crazy west coast french people put on for us in grade 6 probably didn't help.
On to Sunday, after catching up on sleep and having my weekly painting time, we attended the Cataclysmic variables soccer game. We won! However we'd had to forfeit because only ~ half of our team showed up. At the end of the game a real wind picked up as we walked home and blew stuff into our eyes. Bronson was nicely protected in his stroller, for probably the last trip facing backwards he'll ever take. The kid's gotten too big and he's moving up to a sitting infant car seat. Oh, also on his list of accomplishments lately; he's been producing [lots of] snot, sleeping well on his own with his door closed, pretending to chew when dad pretends to feed him with a baby spoon and standing on his own while holding on to something. Pretty darn good.
B-Man naws on his zebra pal as he continues teething - his pain has definetly subsided since our Manitoba visit, he doesn't get nearly as irate as he was near the end there.
Bronson got a new toy last week - an exersaucer! As you may recall, he had a walker that he could move around in, although many pediatricians do not recommend them and they're illegal to be sold in Canada, we thought he could handle it since we both had them when we were young and loved them. Anyhow, long story short, he only moves backwards in it and our pediatrician warned us about that, so for now he will be confined to the exersaucer, which he seems to enjoy anyhow. (Note: also from the Caltech baby-pool, cost $5, wooohoooo!)
Our happy little pilot.
Now why the heck is this interesting? See below.
It's Mike! It's Santa! It' a Russian! Noooo, it's a mountie in the Rose Bowl Parade!
Meanwhile, upstairs Bronson meets more family and soaks up all the attention.
Later, after the curling is through and Matthew has defeated us in a tight game of Settlers of Catan, we feast.
Another photo op with the 4 generations of Stevenson's.
All in all, I had a great time and plan to practise some before my next Bronson Briar. The Stevenson gift exchange is fun, everyone brought a gift and we played "Musical gifts", like musical chairs. Matthew's 'Zombie Survival' book made it's way into the right hands of his cousin Jay, I hope that Neil enjoys the sketching set I put in. We scored with a beautiful wooden jewellery box from ten thousand villages and a tupperware set including an awesome juice/water jug. We stuffed it with clothes and brought it back with us to California. Teri got a Loon clock and every time she set it off for the next few days I jumped up thinking that Bronson was crying. Apparently he sounds like a loon :)
Thank you all for a great Christmas time!
The family in their Christmas pj's (yup, Target carries ACDC pjs)
Teri and Jay bear on Christmas morning
Christmas afternoon was spent web-camming with Grandma Val, Grandpa Tim and Aunty Amy. Many thanks exchanged for the thoughtful gifts.
Bronson and his dad.
Oh, no, wait, that's just an Albert Einstein figurine Matthew got in his stocking.
Christmas evening was spent with Grandpa Alan, Grandmere Lorraine and the Hudon kids, and grandkids... Roxanne, Jason, Larissa, Adrien, Murielle, Tom, Noah, Isaac, Lydia, Scott, Emily, Joshua, Natalie, Andre, Rhonda and Pierre, their Chinese houseguest (real name is not Pierre, but he wanted a Canadian nick name). We are especially indebted to Roxanne who stepped up to the plate and changed Bronson's diaper when Matthew and I were stuck in behind the dinner table and B-man chose that moment to take his daily poop :) Well planned, no?
There was also a suprise visit from Santa, though I don't have pics of it, it was good times. 2/3rds of the people in the room took a turn on his lap, he must've had a really busy night to give everyone such attention :)
Tom enjoys the gift we searched high and low for. (That's right, it's Arnold, The Governator)
Group photo of all the Grandkids in their new snowman pjs made by Lorraine: (L to R) Larissa, Adrien, Joshua, Noah, Isaac, Emily and Bronson. Poor Emily is eclipsed by Bronson... just look how big his head is! The ages of these kids range from approx. 3yrs to 3 months.