December 19 - Tuesday
Today we went to Morris to visit Great Grandma Stevenson, it was a nice visit.

December 20 - Wednesday
Today was spent doing more painting of the dollhouse which Jenna and Claire received on boxing day, here are pics of that.

December 21 - Thursday
Today Matthew and I went into Winnipeg for a night off at the Inn at the Forks; never stay at the Inn at the Forks, they have poor customer service, long story short I have a swollen toe and just alot of bad memories on how rude they were about it. Oh, and we missed Bronson dearly - he was glad to see us the next day.
ALSO - today Bronson met Santa Claus for the first time - he was a great little buddy boy smiling on the big man's knee.
December 22 - Friday
Drove Teri in to Portage with us today, this evening Jeff came over to visit with Matthew, then we went to a restaurant called 'Bill Stickyfingers'!!! and met up with some of Matthew's high school friends - Mandy and Megan if you have any pics, please e-mail them to us!
December 23 - Saturday
Wrapping, wrapping, wrapping... also a quick trip to the mall for last minute fare - what a bad idea.
December 24 - THE BAZINET CHRISTMAS GATHERING deserves a blog post unto itself
December 25 - CHRISTMAS DAY deserves a blog post unto itself
December 26 - THE STEVENSON CHRISTMAS GATHERING deserves a blog post unto itself
December 27 - Wednesday
Took a "quick" trip into Winnipeg to MEC where Bronson took loud poops and people stared at me as if I was doing it, and a mall where I got overtired and hungry and almost started screaming at teenagers to "Stop Loitering!" but Matthew saved the day by finding me a seat and a yummy taco salad :) What a great husband.
ALSO, met Teri's fiance Jay for the first time as he arrived this evening - in a suprising turn of events Matthew, Jay and Terry managed to beat Diane, Teri and I at a close game of Taboo. Almost as suprising as the baby shower.
December 28 - Thursday
We spent the day attempting to pack our belongings (new and old) into our luggage ... then gave up to spend time with the family... then started working on it again...late after much visiting and wine.
December 29 - Friday
Woke at 3:30am after 2 hours sleep, Terry was kind enough to drive us and our load into Winnipeg, after a quick airport visit with Alan we boarded our 7:15am flight and so began our long journey home. 2 flights, 2 security checks, 2 baggage claims, 5 luggage carts, one shuttle ride, and NO VEGETARIAN SANDWICHES TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE later we were outside of our building, breathing in fresh air and sunshine.
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