On Wednesday we headed in to Winnipeg to visit Granpa Alan and Grandmere Lorraine, we also saw Natalie and Lydia, and Teri came along too. We had a great dinner and a nice visit, then headed back to Portage.
On Thursday evening Matthew joined the local lawyers curling team for a match at the local rink. Bronson and I watched out first live curling game and Terry explained to us what was going on. After the games Matthew took me onto the ice and let me try curling. I'm not the natural I was hoping to be. I think I may be scared of ice. But try, try again I shall.
Our days are mostly spent sleeping, however I did have the best massage of my life on Friday afternoon (which convinced me that I probably could handle living here), and Teri spent the weekend at Diane and Terry's with us.
It's cold, but "unseasonably warm" to the locals. I've learnt alot about dealing with the weather - covering the baby with a fleece blanket to take him to the car from the house (as well as his snow gear, mitts, tuque, etc), the beauty of long johns and most notably, not to try to retun the shopping carts to the correct area in the winter - they pay people to do that :)
On Saturday I went with Teri and Diane wedding dres shopping, and Teri found some nice ones. That evening a ton of family and kids came over and we got picked up by a horse drawn sleigh for an hour long ride to the "island" and around the lights disply they have setup there. It was very cold (on my toes), but alot of fun. Bronson wore a onesie covered in fleece pj's, a fleece snow suit, a tuque, a hood, mitts, socks, shoes and was wrapped in 1 blanket for warmth, another to cut the wind and lastly mom and dads arms. He fell asleep during the ride and I kept his face uncovered and made Matthew keep checking that he was breathing every few minutes. But it was fun, he did get a little bit of frost bite on his cheeks which basically means they're pink-ish and a little dry. After the ride everyone enjoyed a warm dinner made by Terry - of award winning chili, and it was great. Here are some pictures of the people there.
Kyra and Aaron (cousins) holding Bronson
"The girls" (Haley, Ciara and Daria - cousins) torturing Matthew
Grandma Diane with her 2 other grandkids - Claire and Jenna
Lots of people milling around.
On Sunday we all went in to Winnipeg to get our hair cut by Aunty Denise. Bronson got his first haircut that day, too. After the haircut we went to Aaron and Amber's to see their new house and visit Ethan (1 year old cousin). We got in the house and I walked into the living room which was full of people, they all said 'Surprise" and I was stunned. This is the first time I have ever really, truly been suprised. They threw a baby shower for Bronson. I guess it was a combination of not expecting anything and of amazing covert sneakiness on the part of the family, but I was completely shocked... and still sort of am. Anyhow, it was a great party, and there are some pictures below of people there. Thank you everyone for the party and the gifts and the suprise... how did you all manage to be so secretive?!?!
Bronson's first haircut - no tears!
Amber (Ethan's mom) holding Ethan and Bronson.

Well, Monday was spent painting details in the dollhouse that Terry made for Jenna and Claire, and tomorrow we're headed to Morris to visit Grandma Stevenson. Thursday Matthew and I will enjoy a night off from parenting at a hotel in Winnipeg (yeah dinner out, ice skating and swimming!!!) and Friday will signify the beginning of the Christmas weekend craziness. I hope everyone out there is enjoying their holidays, Matthew's certainly enjoying being able to hang out with Bronson more and I enjoyed our first few nights here when Bronson slept for 8 or 9 hours straight each night. As for the B-man, every time he wakes up he's somewhere new with someone new holding him, but he's rolling with the punches and being a generally happy, albeit painfully teething baby.
Merry Christmas Jenn, Matthew and Bronson!
Sorry I couldn't manage to phone you before you left California. I forgot the day you were leaving and was so busy with my last week of school. Well, thanks for updating us on your Christmas adventures! Have a good one!
Love Bean and Mike
Gald the 3 of you are having a good time. Cute that Bronson got his first hair cut. I feel his pain in regards to teething David has been having a hard time too lately. He turns 6 months tomorrow so I am hoping he gets his first tooth soon. I think Jonathan and I are going curling in February with our young adults group, was hoping to go on the 30th but it got canceled. What a long update... lots going on over the holidays!
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