Excited for the cool day Bronson and I bundled up in pants and sweaters. Matthew wore a t-shirt. Matthew was right, by the time we hit campus I was rolling up my pants and sleeves and there was sun in the sky. After dropping dad off at work Bronson and I headed for Lake avenue to finish up some christmas shopping for the prairie folk. We went up to Trader Joes and found some really neat food stuff, then came home to sleep off our morning/afternoon adventure.
It's the last week of classes for Matthew and he has 5 assignments due. yesterday was assignment one and he stayed until 8 finishing that off. I think we may be equally glad when these assignments are done, after the long weekend I've gotten used to having him around and it's weird when he doesn't get hom until 8 ... it means that after dinner we only have about an hour together before I need to head to bed. I'm really looking forward to Christmas vacation when we get him nearly all month 24/7. Heck, I'm looking forward to these first 3 terms being over so that he can be done classes and resume a normal-ish work schedule, but by then I'll be working too.
Anyhow, life continues down here and our immediate concern is informing Westjet that Baby Boy Stevenson now has a name to fly under.
Well it is kind of nice to have snow for a bit but I'm sure that all of us would love to be in California for a taste of sunshine too. David didn't seem to notice the snow too much... just squinted a bit when the flakes fell on his face but not too much of a reaction as far as we noticed. We were not outside for very long. Suppost to be getting more on Thursday. And about the jolly jumper I think we started him at 3 months. How much does bronson weigh? From the snuggli picture he looks about the same size as David. We are having him weighed tomorrow.
I definitely don't miss rain. We've had plenty up here! The snow is nice...it feels like what I imagine the prairies to be like since it is dry and cold with blue sky and crunchy snow. I am jealous of being able to wear summer clothes year round. That would be nice and easy for shopping too since you wouldn't have to think so much about the seasons. I'm sure you'll get your snow in Manitoba though, or at least a good cold month. It'll be nice for you guys to have a month off together. I'm also looking forward to my month off. Have you gotten your package yet? It should have arrived by now, I think I sent it on the 15th or 16th. The lady said it would take 5 days. Anyways, I am sending you a letter too, so hopefully you might get it before you leave for Manitoba.
Enjoying my snow day,:)
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