:) I mean, he's got to draw the line somewhere, right?
Yesterday we went to CalTech in the early afternoon and met up with dad for lunch. I love the CalTech cafeteria, there's tons of vegetarian options and 5 or 6 different types of food to choose from - they have a brick oven right there to make pizza for you, a Mongolian wok area, a mexican buffet, various warm entrees area (yesterday was greek), sandwich maker person, pasta area, sushi and my favorite - an awesome salad bar. I really don't know how Matthew forgets to eat when he's got that place to go to. Maybe it's because he's not a breastfeeding new mother?
I love that I had fresh locally grown watermelon yesterday :)
After sleeping all afternoon, Bronson suggested we take an early evening walk to the grocery store. We also did some christmas shopping and then ended up at - and this was a bad idea on Bronson's part - Ross. The american version of Winners - only way better. With a TON of baby clothes at great prices beckoning out to me. Saying "It's getting colder Bronson needs a sweater..." and "He's growing out of his longsleeved, long pants pj's and could use some more. In the end the kid got 5 new outfits for ~$6 each. Unlkie his mom he didn't have a fashion show when we got home. He prefered to go back to - you guessed it; sleep.
Well, I'm going to join him for a morning nap on the couch, then we'll see what the day brings us.
Love and missing our families and friends.
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