It's been awhile, but we're back baby!Okay - we didn't go anywhere (well, Matthew did), but it's been a busy tiring past week. I'm still tired. HINT: Matthew, come home and take the babe so that I can sleep. Or, you know, Diane hop a plane here :)

I'll start with now. Bronson is growing. We've had to get him some 6 month onesies because the 3 month ones no longer fit... even thought he won't BE 3 months for another 12 days! He's a big guy. Everywhere we go ladies swoon over him and just love to watch him looking around. Some guys, too. But, there aren't many men at the fabric and craft stores on weekdays - not sexist, just a fact. He is drooling up a storm, and he loves sucking on his hands. We've determined that he's right handed, so if anyone wants to bet he's a leftie, you're on! He's VERY aware these days... which means he needs more entertaining. Yesterday I bought him a set of mirror cards, basically the mirror replaces the face of animals on cardboard cards, and there's a rhyme on each one - He loves them! I don't think he cares about the rhyme at all, but he sure loves to look in the mirror, so we went through those 3 times yesterday, then Matthew got home and went through them with him some more. His neck support is getting better and better - we're going to try facing him forwards in the Bjorn on Saturday, when we go for a walk. His legs are getting stronger, and when Matthew makes him walk on the bed/table/floor/couch he's pushing down.
He also is sort of discovering toys, and grabbing a little at stuff.
Alright, so, the past week...
Matthew went on a field trip from Thursday through Sunday to Owens' Valley to see some telescopes (duh). So, Bronson and I obviously stayed here. We had lots of fun... for the first day. I think that Thursday night was a novelty to him because I let him sleep in the big bed with me, and it worked out well, then we had fun on Friday, but come Saturday he was very touchy and easily upset. He wanted me to hold him and never put him down. On Sunday when Matthew walked in the door he woke up in my arms to greet him and he's seemed content ever since.
While Matthew was gone Bronson and I had some adventures. Our most exciting one was going to Huntington Library, Art Galleries and Botanical Gardens. We sttuck to the gardens. We spent 2 hours there the first day, and didn't even see all the gardens. It's great! Every visitor henceforth will be forced to visit this place with us. We even bought a year's membership that we couldn't afford, but will save us money in the long run. Bronson and I visited the gardens again on Sunday morning, and still have not seen them all. There are many types of gardens there; desert, japanese, chinese, herb, childrens, shakespearean, palm, lilly ponds, jungle, rose... etc.
We avoided the Childrens garden because there were lots of kids there, and Bronson's not old enough to enjoy them, anyways. His favorite was the Jungle.. it's nice and shady in there, and lots of trees for him to look at. We had fun. The Japanese garden is amazing, far better than Butchart. There is a Bonsai garden and a Japanese house, a traditional house that's wall-less and the rooms are set up for tea, a dressing room, etc. It's really cool. There's also a Zen rock garden. Because Matthew had the camera for his trip, I took no pictures, however here are some of the quick sketches I made... pardon the one of Bronson, it really is impossible to capture his cuteness. :(

The beginning of this week was spent getting Christmas presents together and sent off to those Canadians we won't be seeing over the holidays (the West Coast Canadians). The deadline to send them to guarantee on time arrival was November 15th... we did it!
Well, I'll let Matthew tell you about his trip to Owen's Valley, he may take a few days because he has lots of assignments due today and tomorrow. The preview is: He had a great time, they went to Hot Springs every night and he climbed up the largest telescope and he's going to take Bronson and I up there some time next year because he can rent the cabin even if he's not observing on the scopes. And he saw a cow. For some reason, that was big?!?
In the meantime: Thanksgiving is Thursday and one of Matthew's profs has invited us over for dinner, it should be good. He has a 4 day weekend and we're going to Huntington Gardens on Saturday and also going to explore Old Town Pasadena (finally!) one of the other days. I am hard at work on great presents for Bronson and his cousin (once removed, but this is the last time I type it) Ethan who is 11 months older than Bronson.
Bronson demands the last word... as he is so often doing these days.