Monday, August 21, 2006


Here is the official Stevenson family blog - stay tuned to this one, it's bound to be exciting over the next 6 or so weeks... then it may peter off into a series of "Look at my baby and what he can do's"!!! (i.e. look, he puked!, Look, he opened his eyes!)

12 days until DUE DATE of baby, and soon after that Matthew, child and I become nomadic, until Matthew finds his way to Pasadena, California.

The countdown is on, and my list of To-Do's is getting shorter and shorter. I've been off work for a week now, and I'm feeling fairly rested, however baby keeps that balanced out by waking me several times a night.

Anyhow, off to a doctor's appointment for the latest update on precious... No pictures of pregnant Jenn, while they exist, I am not currently prepared to share them with the world.

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Welcome to Bloggerland! Yeah, someone who actually posts on my blog...Looking forward to seeing pictures of baby once he arrives.

Love your favourite god parent :)
