We did the same as usual this year, but because Bronson is older, it was way more exciting and enjoyable!
We decorated Halloween cookies - I forgot to get a shot of the finished ones, but let's just say about half of them had bite marks taken out of them, and Bronson had icing on his face.
(You can see Matthew's telescope pumpkin in the background)
We went to the Annual Astro Grad Student Halloween party. I've noticed that as the number of kids in attendance go up, the amount of available alcohol goes down. I'm at an age in my life where that makes me say Yay!

On Halloween night we went trick or treating with Bronson's friend Jesse (seen here as the fireman)! They had a great time, got a huge haul and were wonderfully polite. Neither wanted to let anyone carry their candy bags for them, but they were using both hands to drag the heavy bags back home.

And of course we took our annual trip to the pumpkin patch, where we played and found two perfect pumpkins (for us - they were actually quite funny shapes)
It was great to wake up to the Halloween photos. Thanks for the link otherwise I would still be wondering! I had to take a second look to see who was sitting on Matt's shoulders - Edmund is growing up so fast.
Love Grandma Portage
I agree with Diane - that boy is growing so fast - and the eyes are getting bigger! Thanks for the timely update - we all appreciate it. I remember the pumpkin patch and miss being there this year - the pics from last year are my desktop at work so I've been reminiscing about it for a couple weeks. Happy November now, love Grandma Val
aww.. no saturday night palsy?? I love Bronsons hat!! Happy Halloween! Ps I'm eating kit kats of the Canadian kind.
Great pics! I miss you guys! The costume is great - did you have to explain it to every house you went to?
Aunty Teri
Mike and I both had a good chuckle over Bronson's costume. I'm glad someone got to trick or treat without a snowplow--we got nearly a foot here the day before Halloween. Miss you guys.
Those are some smokin' Hallowe'en costumes! I was expecting to see the Movember progress...please see my latest email for details!
You're gonna have a couple D-line players there I think!
Kevin and Shawna
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