Happy Canada day and happy Independence Day! We've had a busy week, I started my new job on the 1st (loving it!), Matthew's been playing softball, B has been potty training and E has been rolling, rolling, rolling.
Not too much to say, enjoy the pictures...
Last week we had a potluck with all of our neighbours in our apartment building. It was really great, this is the Fruit Pizza I brought. (above)
On July 4th we celebrated by going to our Chilean friends house for a traditional Venezuelan meal. It was SO good, I will have to learn to make it and import that recipe to Canada. In the evening the 4 of us got a traditional American burger (veggie patty on a wheat bun from a vegan Drive thru, right?) and had a picnic on campus. B has been really in to soccer recently so he and Matthew played and played while E and I looked at the sky. We were too tired to venture out for any fireworks, unfortunately. Here are the pics from our picnic (below)
Great pictures, which are ALL now on my screen saver - is that a new quilt behind the boys in the first picture?
Love Grandma Portage
Yup, that's the quilt that Aunty Betty made for Edmund :)
Love the pictures! I miss you guys and sorry I haven't been in touch lately. I meant to phone before I left and then realized that you were in Canada! Hope you had a great trip. I'm in Scotland now. Ireland was fantastic...went by too quickly of course but saw tons of cool places. Will tell you all about it as you said over tea sometime :) And I had to laugh at your comment because i totally packed waaay too much. You know me too well. Remember how I used to pack enough stuff that you didn't need to worry about toothpaste or shampoo? I guess I haven't changed. I sent a whole load back with mike, haha. Hope to talk with you in a few weeks.
Hey you four!
Are you guys doing an online wish list for Bronson's birthday this year?
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