Happy Canada day and happy Independence Day! We've had a busy week, I started my new job on the 1st (loving it!), Matthew's been playing softball, B has been potty training and E has been rolling, rolling, rolling.
Not too much to say, enjoy the pictures...
Last week we had a potluck with all of our neighbours in our apartment building. It was really great, this is the Fruit Pizza I brought. (above)
On July 4th we celebrated by going to our Chilean friends house for a traditional Venezuelan meal. It was SO good, I will have to learn to make it and import that recipe to Canada. In the evening the 4 of us got a traditional American burger (veggie patty on a wheat bun from a vegan Drive thru, right?) and had a picnic on campus. B has been really in to soccer recently so he and Matthew played and played while E and I looked at the sky. We were too tired to venture out for any fireworks, unfortunately. Here are the pics from our picnic (below)