B is adjusting well to E's presence in the house. When E cries, B comes and takes my hand and leads me over to baby. In the mornings B comes into our room to check out where "boy" is. He likes to rock Edmund in his chair and give him lots of kisses.
Edmund had his 2 week appointment yesterday, he's grown again, he now weighs 9lbs 5 oz, so he gained 7 oz since last Thursday! His length is now 21 3/4 inches and his head circumference is something big. He's now in the 60th percentile area for weight and height, but his head circumference remains in the 95th percentile.
Just to compare this to how large Bronson's head was at this age, all of B's baby hats are way too big for Edmund.
Edmund meets Thomas for the first time.
Bronson has many Thomas toys of all different sizes, I counted 7 different sized Thomas' the other day, and he often likes to group 3 objects together and name them dad, mom and boo. Yesterday for the first time he grouped 4 different sized Thomas' and told me they were dad, mom, boy and boo. Oh my sweetie!
Here B is showing "boy" how everything works.
Glad that Bronson is continuing to do well with his new brother. David loves Angeline but is definately missing having me to himself. This morning he sat on Angeline's head while I was nursing her too so I can no longer say that he is always gentle. Hope you are recovering well. Love, Melissa
What a good big brother! Showing him the ropes. Speaking of sibling rivalry, can I have my mowmow back soon!?!?!
Thanks for the posting, and be sure to give Aunty Amy back her mowmow whatever that is! Guess it wasn't meant for all of us to understand.
Grampa Alan
mowmow = Mommy!
I love the pictures. It is nice to see the brothers playing together and that Bronson is sharing his couch with his brother.
Love Grandma Portage
How precious! Bronson looks like he is doing so well and Edmund looks so much like you Jenn! I love his blond hair. He must love his little bro if he's willing to let him into the world of Thomas! Miss you guys, hope you are well,
Oh my, he is darling, when looking at him....he makes my heart melt. E looks like his mommy and B looks like his daddy. Good Job Matthew and Jenn! Cant wait to see him. Let B know that Ethan and I think he is doing a wonderful job as a big brother and we are proud of him!
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