Bye bye Grandma Val
Well, the loiterers outside of LAX got a show on Saturday as Bronson and I tried to outdo each other with the waterworks, saying goodbye to grandma Val. Unfortunately for Bronson I had a secret weapon: pregnancy hormones. Poor Matthew had to drive home two whimpering babies who would periodically start bawling all over again, through downtown LA.
We really enjoyed your visit, mom, thanks for all the help! Everytime one of my family comes to stay, they leave me with a renewed love of salads. It happened last year with Amy, and again now with mom. Salads...mmmm.
Here's B telling Grandpa Tim how it is.
In other news, the night before mom left was Family night at Caltech, we went and had a pasta dinner on the lawn. followed by Disney princess entertainment. Matt and B then went to the screening of Wall-E in Beckman Auditorium. My mother and I went downtown to shop. We were finally free of the toddler (Matt had been gone for 2 days to Stanford), we were independent, we had cash and we.... were ready to go to bed 30 minutes in to our excursion. But we held out for frozen yogurt regardless :)
Yup, we let Tinkerbell tatoo our son with a dinosaur.
In other news, the Pasadena Art Expo is this week and 2 of my paintings have been selected for the juried art show, which makes me really quite happy. The 2 are Orchid and Snow, you can figure out which is which.
Tomorrow I go for an ultrasound with a specialist to check on the baby in my belly (the one kicking but not screaming), hopefully he will be able to tell me if it's a boy or girl, so look for an update on that tomorrow.
i miss mymom too :( -aimers
I can't believe Bronson got to meet Tinkerbell - Uncle Jay is going to be so jealous! And I'm jealous that your plants get to stay outside all year. I had to move all my herbs inside before Thanksgiving (the Canadian one) and now they have to use a grow-light to grow. We miss you guys a bunch!
Aunty Teri
Awww, thanks for the memories Jenn. Miss you all and am freezing here at 1/3 the temps you have. Enjoy sunny skies and looking forward to your post after Dr.'s appt, love Mom Val
Can't wait to hear whether it's a boy or a girl! So far the count is: 4 pregnant friends who have delivered: 2 boys & 2 girls. So who knows what yours will be...but I kind of hope it's a girl :) Although two little bronson look alikes would also be cute.
Mike and I didn't get waterworks when we left from you, but I'll forgive you since Bronson cried for us :)
Love Sabrina
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