September, Club fair, OVRO, big boy bed and nausea
I've been a bad mommy blogger.
I've been a bad mommy blogger.
I've been a bad mommy blogger.
In my defense, this pregnancy has been kicking my butt. My nausea went from bad to worse and I took many days off of work, spent 3 weeks dry heaving, exhausted and on a diet of Ensure, peppermint tea and fruit. The worst of it has ended as I move into my 2nd trimester. This one has been WAY worse than Bronson's pregnancy. I don't like chocolate. I just drink peppermint tea, eat fresh fruit and crackers and every now and then crave Indian food. (Of course the most expensive of all take-outs)
We got home, changed and headed over expecting to stay awhile, then come home, then go back for dinner. Instead we stayed until the end of the fireworks, 4 hours straight. B was tired after the 5 hour drive, so he was pretty easy to keep track of. We set down our blanket, friends gathered round and we watched the performances, ate dinner and chatted. Bronson got up and danced during the dance performances, he was so excited to dance! He was totally in to it. We've been watching High School Musical, which he loves and I think that's where he gets it from.
Anyhow, the fireworks were amazing, they shoot them in time to music, and they are right overhead, off the roofs of the buildings surrounding us. It was a great afternoon/evening and B totally crashed when we got home.
Bronson on Chilean Independence day
In Matthew news, his 2 telescopes have now finally been transported and installed at OVRO. He is now working on the electronics for his C-BASS device. He has been back and forth to Stanford and will be back and forth again and again to meet with collaborators and attend workshops related to the other project he's on, the 40M telescope project. To help keep these straight: The 40M project is on the big telescope at OVRO, is currently collecting data and is in collaboration with Stanford and Germany, he is 1 of 3 grad students on this, he used to be the only one but he is working towards having a smaller role in this to give him more time for the other. The C-BASS project is 2 smaller telescopes at OVRO, is not collecting data yet, still needs a special device built for it, the entire point of it, actually, Matt is the only grad student on this one and this is in collaboration with Oxford, England, and eventually will be repeated in South Africa. C-BASS is his major project. Hope that helps to clarify his life. Oh yeah, he also reads and watches alot of "humorous" stuff on the Internet.
I end with an anecdote that I read on a friend of a friend of a friend's daddy blog. His daughter stuck a crayon up her nose and they could not get it out. So they took her to emergency and the doc came in and said "alright, before we try tweezers, here's a trick. Plug the unclogged nostril and leave the crayon nostril open, then blow in her mouth. This is how you blow a child's nose." So after a few tries, sure enough this worked. This guy is not a doctor, he's only writing about what this doc told him, and now I am paraphrasing that - so you know, disclaimer and all. But I think it's a good trick to know and could save you a lengthy ER wait someday, perhaps, hopefully you won't be in this situation and neither will I. But, you never know.
Thanks for the update, Jenn! I'm sorry you've been feeling sick!
Bronson looks so much like a little boy now - I feel like I'm missing such big chunks of his life! We'll have to decide on another time for Jay and I to take a trip down to see you guys.
I love the close up of Bronson's eyes - he's got those big, beautiful eyes! And the dancing video made me smile!
Grandparents say thank-you!
Jenn... glad you liked the crayon trick. Also nice to hear about what you have been up to lately. Maybe all the extra nausia means you are having a girl. Jonathan is hoping that is why I have been more sick this time. Don't remind me that we still have 6 months until our babies arrive. It is taking forever! Love, Melissa
Actually, I was getting quite worried about you, I was concerned that you were still as sick as you were when I was there. I'm glad you are doing a bit better. You look really cute & pregnant in the pictures. Your mom will be there soon to help out.
WOW Matt, we are proud of you!
Thank you :) look at this emo boy style at this blog:
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