Bronson steal grandpa Terry's chair
A trip to grandma's wouldn't be complete without some cow balancing/acrobatics
Bronson and I spent many the afternoon outside in the sunny backyard - I threw out my back soon after arriving so we spent most of our downtime close to home.
Bronson is very excited to have a great idea!
3 planes later and we arrive in BC. When in MB I gloated that if it's nice and sunny here, then Vancouver Island will be paradise... not so. We had a rainy visit with a couple hail storms and a brief sunny period for Saturday morning's farmers market run. We visited Port Alberni for 10 days and Bronson got very comfortable there. He loves Aunty Aimee and watched the staircase every morning waiting for her to come down and play.
During our trip B learnt to roll from tummy to back and now is rolling over and over and over, covering alot of ground.
We went swimming with David and his mom Melissa and Theresa. Cousin Sky and Aunty Jean came to visit for the weekend and Molly from next door came over to show Bronson her tumbling. Bronson especially enjoyed the doggy - Dixie hung around Bronson the whole time and Bronson was quite gentle with the old dog.
As we flew out of Victoria in the afternoon, we got a chance to briefly visit my old workplace - Amaranth Consulting Group. It was so good to see my friends and I think they feel some closure now having seen the product of all my whinning during pregnancy :)
Now, there is a trip update. As for life in California since returning, Matthew is busy busy with school, we celebrated our second wedding anniversary yesterday and my best friend Sabrina is visiting for the week - which means we're hanging out at the pool and swimming at least twice a day. IT IS SO HOT HERE, we're starting to worry about the months to come :)
Matthew's birthday is this Saturday and he is having a boardgame party (there really is no way to make that sound grown up). Also, we find out on Friday-ish if we get to keep our apartment for next year - fingers crossed!!!
Oh, and we have booked our next trip up to Canada - wedding tour 2007, we will be in these places on the following dates:
June 22/23 Agassiz, June 24/25 Victoria (staying at the Coast Hotel), June 26 - July 1 Port Alberni, July 1 - July 5 MB (July 4 P la P for sure), July 5 - July 8 Assiniboia and Regina July 9.
Yay! More pictures! My favourite is Baby B. & Grandpa Tim.
Thanks for the update!
Aunty Teri
ps I have the cutest nephew ever!
pps Less than two months till I see him (and his parents) again!
no more whinning for 24 hours.
It was nice swimming with you. Missed getting together for a play date but looking forward to seeing you in June. Love, Melissa & David
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