My soccer ball
Yesterday I bought a soccer ball for, well, not Bronson. For our soccer team to use. Bronson however has taken a great liking of the ball. His eyes are glued to the ball whenever it's around, he grabs it and can barely hold on, then he puts it up to his mouth and slobbers all over it. It's more enticing than even tv! Needless to say we're one part thrilled that he's showing a liking of the sport, two parts worried that he's going to have a hard time watching us kick his beloved friend around.
This evening Bronson was very upset - mom cleaned out his nose and he wouldn't let me hold him. Matthew was having some trouble calming him down too, when all of a sudden everything was quiet. I went to the living room to see how dad had done it, and there was B on the floor with his ball. After playing couch kick for a while, he had recovered from the trauma of snot and had a feed then went to bed.

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