You may have noticed that there are now ads in the side bar of this blog. It may be tacky, yes, but in general I've noticed that Google Ads does a good job of matching their particular advertisement to the content of the blog, so there may be some interesting offers popping up there. In all honesty, however, I thought I'd see if I'm able to make any money in my blogging. You see, the way it works is that for every blog visit and then for ever time someone clicks on an ad, a small bit of $ is given to the blogger. That's me. While I can not encourage you to click the ads (that's against the Adsense rules!!!) I did want to introduce the new feature on the blog so that you didn't think anyone hijacked it. It's totally my choice to put it there.
A Trip to the Zoo
It's been awhile, I know, I know.
Bronson has finished his skating lessons which he was not particularly fond of and now he is taking swimming lessons which he LOVES. Since B takes his lessons solo (teacher of course, but no parents anymore!) Edmund and I are in the other end of the pool doing the baby class. He too loves swimming. Matthew sits in the bleachers and watches us all.
Here's some pics from a trip to the zoo recently.
Here are a few of my chalk mural for the Pasadena chalk festival a few weeks ago. (Where we set a Guiness World Record for most chalk murals!)
And here's a cute video of Edmund. He loves his corn.
Also, for those crafty DIY types who like to see what I'm up to, check out the Fruit and Foliage blog and you might just recognize someone.