Tonight we went out to the annual Astro Dept Greenstein lecture dinner. Just another night dining out with Nobel Prize winners. The lecturer was Dr. Charles Townes, inventor of the laser. So, we got a babysitter in and went out for a free classy meal. Anyhow, here's my baby belly.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Belly shot - 36 weeks

Tonight we went out to the annual Astro Dept Greenstein lecture dinner. Just another night dining out with Nobel Prize winners. The lecturer was Dr. Charles Townes, inventor of the laser. So, we got a babysitter in and went out for a free classy meal. Anyhow, here's my baby belly.
Tonight we went out to the annual Astro Dept Greenstein lecture dinner. Just another night dining out with Nobel Prize winners. The lecturer was Dr. Charles Townes, inventor of the laser. So, we got a babysitter in and went out for a free classy meal. Anyhow, here's my baby belly.
Bronson is a jam face (and other breaking news)

Well, it's life as usual in the Stevenson household, with a twist - mom's belly is huge. We went to the zoo last Saturday - B insisted on posing with the gorilla head - he always insists on posing there. Look how tall he has gotten in the past few weeks! His pants fit waist size and length wise nowadays - what craziness. He has zoomed right into 3T!

Here we are looking at the Pronghorns, and Bronson is demonstrating what their horns look like. At home the next day he showed me what antlers look like, too. He figured that one out on his own.
In other news -yesterday was my last day of work! Hazaa maternity leave!
We're ready for you Uncle Jay!
Jam face, he's got a big jam face, his face covered with jam and he smells like jam too. He floats through the house with his big jam face - JAM FACE!
(to the tune of Cat face - which I realize Amy might be the only one who knows the tune)Well, it's life as usual in the Stevenson household, with a twist - mom's belly is huge. We went to the zoo last Saturday - B insisted on posing with the gorilla head - he always insists on posing there. Look how tall he has gotten in the past few weeks! His pants fit waist size and length wise nowadays - what craziness. He has zoomed right into 3T!
In other news -yesterday was my last day of work! Hazaa maternity leave!
My coworkers had me a little baby shower at the ofice yesterday with presents and decorations and food and games and confetti - it was lovely. I am still having to force myself to stop thinking about work and not to check my work email. I have plenty of projects to do at home, but mostly I just want to sleep.
Next week Jay and Teri are driving down for a visit. Matt has to head up to Owens Valley for a couple days and we are all thinking of going with him - we've got the cabin booked!
Next week Jay and Teri are driving down for a visit. Matt has to head up to Owens Valley for a couple days and we are all thinking of going with him - we've got the cabin booked!
Then on March 7th my mom arrives for the final leg of this adventure. And then on the 17th they take this baby out of me and I can resume lying on my back whilst breathing. That'll be nice.
Finally, here is a video that Bronson enjoys VERY much of late. Beware, you will have the song stuck in your head for the rest of the week.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Monday, February 02, 2009
Vacation and other news

Here's the view from our patio - we ate all of our breakfasts and lunches here - B and I had a routine down for the mornings, I'd open the front door, he'd pick up the newspaper and bring it out back to the patio. I'd get our breakfasts together and he would help me by carrying something, then he would get his pillow and put it on the seat (to boost him up) and we sit down to eat. There were litttle star confetti piecs stuck in the cracks of the table that he would dislodge after finishing his meals. He called them "starfish" and so became his current starfish obsession.

On the 2nd to last day it was rainy so we went to nearby Dana Point and visited the 'Ocean Institute' there - fish!
Here's B and I at the Caltech pool yesterday ... note the starfish tatoo.

And here's a belly shot as of today - 33 weeks pregnant.
Well, it's been awhile. We took a week off at the end of January and went to a resort in Newport Beach and had a great time! This was my big Christmas present from Matt, Diane & Terry and my parents.
We spent 7 nights relaxing in a huge 2 bedroom suite - I was particularly excited about the ensuite washer, dryer and dishwasher... ahhh to someday not be excited about doing laundry in the comfort of your home...
The weather was beautiful for most of the time, the last couple days were a tad rainy, but still quite warm. Of course these are the days I finally pulled out the camera, so things look a little cloudy. On the sunny days we were having too much fun to bother with photos!
We swam most days, Bronson particularly enjoyed the "POOl". They also had a kids activity center where B played with toys and watched movies, etc. There was a fire pit, basketball courts, putting green, sandbox, koi pond and playground on site as well. Every day B would do the grand tour of these.
It was great to just relax and read and drink tea.
We also spent some time at the beach of course - Bronson loved running up and away from the waves crashing in.
In other news, a date has been set for the baby's birth - my C-section will be March 17th, a St Patricks day baby! Only 6 weeks left as of tomorrow! Space is getting limited in my belly and I look forward to holding the baby in my arms, si far this kid is looking to be as big as Bronson, but since he'll be born at 39 weeks rather than 40 he should hopefully be a pound or so lighter.
And here's a belly shot as of today - 33 weeks pregnant.
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