Introducing Mr. Bronson Timothy Anton Stevenson
The story of the birth of Bronson is short:
3 days of pre-labour
38 hours of natural labour (no pain killers!)
7 hours (& some sleep) of an epidural
2 1/2 hours of pushing
15 minutes of pushing with vacuum help
16 hours of baby in the special careunit where mom couldn't visit
7 stitches
= 10 lbs 6 oz of BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY on Sept 3rd
..... just don't ask me to do it again any time soon.
Bronson is doing great. So is mom, dad and grandma Val are still a little tired, though.
We've had a big first week, we came home on Tuesday, visited the folks at Amaranth Consulting Group on Thursday, had an open house to meet baby on Friday, a garage sale selling off our worldly possessions on Saturday (even had an offer on the stroller - had to explain that actually the baby was currently using it and so was not for sale), and the baptism on Sunday.